Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A little Prayer!

Hi guys! sorry its been so long since we posted! You can pray for Zoey everyday! You can write your prayer in a journal, draw her pictures, do anything, but mostly pray! You can pray that she is safe, that she's doing well,That her body's working well........or anything!!!! Thanks!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Wanna Help Bring Zoey Home?!?!?

Do you wanna help bring Zoey home? Here's how you can. You can raise money or donate some. Go to......
And on there there is a little thing that says "Help Us On Our Adoption Journey!" ands at the bottom of that it says "Donate." Click on it and you can donate some money. That's how you can help!!!!:)

Love always,

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Lemonade Stands!

Hi guys! This is Carly. One of my friend's family is adopting from Ghana,Africa! They decided to get a girl, and her name will be Zoey. In africa, Zoey means princess. Isn't that cool! The brown's blog is http://brownethiopiaadoption.blogspot.com
You should check it out! Today Winston,(my friend,the brown boy.)Me, and my other friend Grace had a lemonade stand to raise money for the adoption. We made 70 dollars just from a lemonade stand! We were so exited! Have a good day!


P.S. you could check out my blog